Problems are a part of life!
One thing we must accept about having problems is that they are a part of life!
I remember an old story about this young guy who was complaining to an older gentleman about all his problems when the old man turned to him and said “the only place you will never have any problems is in the cemetery when you are dead”
Problems are a part of life!
The trick is not to try and escape our problems.
But rather grow ourselves bigger than them and to deal with them head on.
So how do we deal with problems?
I have always tried to deal with problems by facing them head on and continuing to work on myself to try and grow myself bigger than my problems.
Recently however, I heard of a way to deal with these adversities by re-framing our problems into a goal to be achieved.
When I heard this it was like a light bulb had lit up in my mind.
Even though I have always tried to face challenges head on, there was always some lingering doubts and worries that would inevitably surface.
I have heard of re-framing problems into challenges or opportunities but still the same fears would occur.
Re-frame our problems into a goal to be achieved!
I have long been a huge fan of goal setting for what it is that we want to achieve out of life.
So why not use this to our advantage with problems as well?
Turning problems into a goal to be achieved forces us to focus on the outcome we want INSTEAD of what we don’t want.
It requires us to form a strategy, remain laser-focused on solving the problem and to achieve our outcome.
This then turns the problem into a true challenge.
Remember, what we focus on expands!
In summary
Decide what is the actual outcome that we want and remain laser-focused on achieving that outcome!
Remember there will always be some sort of problem that we have to deal with, but by using this approach we eliminate the fear and have a much better chance of solving it.
A definition of success that I heard from a very successful entrepreneur was “the definition of success is to have different and bigger problems this year than you had last year”
Then you will know you are truly bigger than your problems!
If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below, I will be happy to help.
Until next time, I am John W. Newman and always remember…
Dream It… Believe It… Then Achieve It!