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Whingers, whiners and complainers

Whingers, whiners, and complainers

“Liar, liar, pants on fire!”
“All of this make money online stuff is a scam!”
“Stop spamming me!”
“You are delusional and ignorant!”
The latest was: “Kiss my money making a..”
These are just some of the emails I have received about my marketing.
Another recent one was: “I came here to learn but you’re just trying to sell me stuff!”
Shock horror!!

You have subscribed to my blog about how to make money and build a business online, and are surprised that I am actually offering something to buy!

Sorry for trying to eat today!
I was listening to a podcast recently from one of my mentors Russell Brunson and he was saying how mad he gets about people that subscribe to his list to learn about marketing… and THEN COMPLAIN ABOUT HIM MARKETING!
Whingers, whiners and complainers!
Honestly, I think I am doing something right!
At least I’m getting a reaction.
Dan Kennedy says that if you’re not pissing someone off by lunch time then you’re not marketing hard enough!
The truth is that it used to worry me what people thought.
But I wasn’t making any money!
Now I honestly kind of like it!
The thing is I’m not spamming anybody. (Like all the Viagra emails I get ;-))
If you no longer want to receive my emails then feel free to click the unsubscribe button at the bottom.
Or click exit on my blog post or video, it’s not going to bother me.
The fact is that if your willing, I offer a lot of free training on how to build a business online, and improve your mindset and money management… and I plan on offering, even more, value over the next 12 months.
So if I offer a product for $17, $97, or $1997, then my conscious is clear!
I only offer something, or promote someone that I know, CAN help you!
One thing I don’t promote is “get rich quick”
Only the scammers and spammers promote that rubbish!
And the whingers, whiners and complainers will fall into this trap and continue to whinge, and whine and complain.
And get nowhere!
At the end of the day, building a business online takes time, work, learning new skills… and eventually an investment in yourself!
And to be successful you will probably end up pissing a few people off.
You won’t please everybody, all of the time, so don’t even try.
Find your own voice and message, and build a tribe of YOUR people!
No whingers, whiners or complainers required!
If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below.

To your success,

John W. Newman

Helping you create TIME AND FINANCIAL FREEDOM by building a PROFITABLE Business Online!

Dream It… Believe It… Then Achieve It!

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Click here to find your message and build your tribe: It might be free, or it might cost, but no complaining 😉

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