DotCom Secrets Book Review – The Best Book Written on Online Marketing Ever?

DotCom Secrets Book Review

NAME: DotCom Secrets – The Underground PlayBook For Growing Your Company Online.

WEBSITE: www.dotcomsecrets.com

OWNERS/AUTHOR: Russell Brunson


PRICE: FREE Plus Shipping

dotcom secrets review


DotCom Secrets is a book written by the CEO of ClickFunnels, Internet Marketing “guru” Russell Brunson, and it has been described as the best book on Internet Marketing ever written.

While I can not confirm or deny if this is actually the case, it is certainly the best Internet Marketing book that I have read personally, and it is full of marketing strategies, hacks and templates that will help you to increase traffic, conversions and sales online.

Russell shares with the reader the actual processes, funnels and scripts that he uses to scale his own, and other people’s businesses online.



  • Evergreen strategies to growing a business online
  • The strategies the author actually uses in his own businesses
  • Finding your target market
  • Traffic strategies
  • Conversion strategies
  • Sales strategies
  • Email marketing strategies
  • Actual scripts and templates
  • A “How to Guide” on Internet Marketing
  • A free physical book – just pay the shipping and handling ( about 6-7 dollars)
  • And much more…


  • The free book is the first product (Or bait) in a sales funnel. (Russell will show you how you can implement this in your OWN online business)


DotCom Secrets is a complete guide to Internet Marketing that will help you grow and scale your business online.

Russell Brunson shares with the reader the actual strategies, tools and methods that he uses to run his many multi-million dollar companies online, and what has also helped countless other people to do the same.

For over 12 years now Russell has been starting and scaling companies online.  He is a best selling author, owns a software company (ClickFunnels), a supplement company, a coaching company (DotComSecrets), and is one of the top super affiliates in the world.
After running thousands of tests and perfecting what works (and what doesn’t) online, Russell shares with you his “secrets” to online success.
The core of the book teaches the “sales funnel” process and how you can implement this system to essentially create a cash machine, where you can put a dollar in and three or four dollars comes back out.
People such as marketing expert Dan Kennedy and self-help guru Tony Robbins are among the many to sing the praises of Russell and this book.


Anybody that wants to grow a business and make money online will find a lot of benefit in this book.


There are actual funnel templates you can apply, as well as email scripts, sales letter scripts and templates.

The book is FULL of excellent training on Internet Marketing and growing and scaling a business online.


There is a private Facebook group that you can join.


FREE Plus Shipping to anywhere in the world.


The DotCom Secrets book is a brilliant book on Internet Marketing.

It is full of both the strategies AND the theory behind the strategy.

It also has proven templates and scripts that you can follow and easily apply.

When I received my FREE copy of the book, it was actually inspected by customs, and I thought to myself… “What the hell is in this book??!” 😉

I am personally implementing many of these strategies in my own business and I would recommend it to any aspiring Internet Marketer or business owner that wants to use the reach of the Internet to grow their business.




For purchasing the DotCom Secrets book you are invited to a FREE 14 day trial to ClickFunnels where you can implement all of the sales funnels in the book with just a click of a mouse.



Wealthy Affiliate vs DotCom Secrets Book
FeaturesDotCom Secrets Book
Is it easy to get help?
Private coaching available?
Can you Contact the Owners?
Is there a live chat?
Is there step-by-step training?
Are free websites included?
Is web hosting included?
Do they offer a domain platform?
Can you try for free?
Is there a keyword research tool?
Is there an affiliate program?
Do I recommend this?Yes
My Overall Rating8/10


Get your FREE Copy of the DOTCOM Secrets Book HERE! ==>> Click HERE!

If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below.

To your success,

John W. Newman

Helping you create TIME AND FINANCIAL FREEDOM by building a PROFITABLE Business Online!

Dream It… Believe It… Then Achieve It!

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John newman

My name is John W. Newman. Property investor, Internet entrepreneur, husband and father of four beautiful daughters. Join me on my road to financial freedom! Dream It...Believe It...Then Achieve It!


  1. Dear John,

    Wow what a thorough review on Dotcomsecrets. Thanks for the great review. There are 1000’s of online program claiming they can help you make money online but at the end of the day they are not. Because of the increased number of online scams it is always advisable to do our own research before buying any product. Here comes the great help from your review making my job easy I will come back to your website to learn more information. Thanks again!

    Your Friend,

    • Thanks, Paul, glad you liked my review and find my site helpful.
      There are plenty of scams on the internet for sure, but DotCom Secrets will give you the blueprint on how to build a legitimate business online, all for a few bucks in shipping!
      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  2. Hi John,

    I loved reading your review, especially the details it was exactly what I needed. I had one questions for you though. I’m a former employee of a pet hospital and was wondering if this book might be able to help me get started online. I’m really looking to expand my “pet sitting service”. My friend linked me this review https://www.deberooreviews.com/tag/dotcomsecrets-book-review/ but it explicitly says it’s only for marketers or entrepreneurs. I’m just starting out, unsure whether I can really call myself an entrepreneur. Do you think this book would be beneficial for me or could you perhaps recommend me a different one?

    All the best,


    • Whatever business you are in Misha, you need an online element!
      I wouldn’t get hung up on calling yourself an entrepreneur if you want to build a business of any kind, as you do with your “pet sitting service” then you have that entrepreneurial streak!
      I think you would benefit from both of Russell’s books: Expert Secrets and DotCom Secrets.
      You won’t’s go wrong with any these books for a minimal price. You can get them here:
      You honestly won’t need anything else to get your business up and running 🙂

  3. A powerful and positive review; I have just ordered the book and look forward to using it along with my WA experiences.

  4. Hey John,

    Great review! Just wanted to stop by from WA and check out your site. Great Job! You certainly know what you’re doing. Your website looks great and you certainly have a great audience. Lot’s of comments.
    You handle things like a Pro over here. I’m taking notes and learning.
    Keep up the great work and I look forward to following your amazing journey at WA.

  5. Hey John,
    I know Russel Brunson and he’s a genius at Internet Marketing. I joined his program Dot Com Secrets X and it was actually very hard to sustain yourself in because of the high maintenance fee so I quit.

    But one thing for sure I can definitely vouch on is that his techniques on getting more visibility are really creative. Although I’ve stopped joining the program, I still implement the knowledge I learned. The book is awesome.

    • Thanks for your feedback Riaz 🙂

      Yes, I have heard that program is a bit pricey. The great thing about the book is that he really doesn’t hold back on any of his knowledge and strategies, so if you follow and implement them, you too can have success.

      Glad to know that you are having success with his strategies!

  6. This is a new one for me. I know I’ve heard of Russell Brunson somewhere but I just can’t put a finger on it. Maybe it was this. Anyway, thanks for this info John. This book might also help me scale up my online businesses. Maybe in the future, it will also help my family’s business too.


  7. Hi John,
    This Dot Com Secrets book by Russel Bunson sounds a powerful set of strategies to help marketing campaigns.
    To have the backing of Tony Robbins and company singing the book’s praises sure adds weight to it’s popularity but if it’s bait in a sales funnel I’m gathering their will be a multitude of upsells I will need to purchase to move my business forward.
    Can I ask:
    Do you use Russel Brunson’s strategies to go along with Wealthy Affilite’s for your marketing campaigns?
    To be honest I am fairly new to running an online business, presently working my way through Wealthy Affiliate’s course but I am always interested in alternative strategies like sales funnels etc to move my business further forward later down the line.
    Thanks for your review,

    • Hi Simon, thanks for your questions.

      Personally, I would recommend that you should follow Wealthy Affiliate’s training first and foremost, as it really gives you that base foundation that you build your online business around.

      The strategies in this book are something that you can add to your skill set as you get more experienced.

      That being said, it would still be a great read for any internet marketer, whether you are a complete newbie or quite experienced, and there would still be elements, such as sales funnels etc, that you could add to your business as you go along.

      As for upsells, there are other programs that Russell has that he will offer, but the book works as a stand alone product, and really you could follow the advice in this book alone and be able to build out an online business.

      Best of luck 🙂

  8. I’ve been with Russell Brunson in the past, and I can say that he’s really good in teaching people strategies that work. The only thing that I didn’t like when I was with him is that, it was too expensive to be in his mentorship as I was asked to pay $99 per month in subscription fee of DotCom Secrets X. Reading your post here surprised me, as it is only now that I learned he has written an book. Worth checking out.

    If that book is just a bait for subscription in Click Funnels, may I ask, how much is the cost for joining Click Funnels? Is it like his previous DotCom Secrets X that was at $99 per month?

    • Thanks Gomer, I’m not sure what is involved in the DotCom Secrets X program, but it does seem a bit expensive, but the book definitely is worth checking out, he really doesn’t hold back with some awesome information.

      The book is the bait for his ClickFunnels software, but I still have no problem in recommending it, because the book works as a standalone product and is outstanding value.

      As for ClickFunnels itself, the basic model is $97 per month and I have started using this to build out my own landing pages and sales funnels.

      The software really is very cool, easy to use, and it comes with some great training and support… and I think compares very well to other products in this space such as Leadpages.

      They have another model with some other features at $297 per month, but I think this is too expensive.

      One thing I like about it though, is that you have a free 14 day trial to really give it a good test drive, and if you want to cancel your subscription, or even suspend it for a while, it is easy to do with just a click, so you don’t have to be worried about getting “locked in” and not being able to get out if you want to.

      Anyway, regardless, there is plenty you will get out of the book for sure!

      Thanks for your comment and questions 🙂

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