Good Friday, golf and regrets…

Good Friday, golf and regrets…

“You’re gonna choke and hit it in the snake pit”

It was Good Friday here yesterday in Australia, so I spent the morning with a few mates playing a round of golf.

One friend even made up a trophy at his work and we decided that the winner would have the trophy named after him forever more!

Now, I haven’t played for a few years, so yesterday I had to get all the dust off my clubs and golf bag, and once they were all cleaned up I had a few swings in the backyard.

Very rusty to say the least!

But I used to a pretty good player in my youth.

When I was a 15-year old I made it down to a 7 handicap, which is not too bad at all, and I eventually made it into the Northern Tasmania junior golf squad. ( I was even lucky enough to hit a hole-in-one a year earlier, which my Mother still raves about)

good friday golf and regrets

But the thing is, not long after I practically stopped playing.

Except for the occasional game with mates every few years, I just gave it up altogether.

The thing is… I will never know how good I could have been.

At one point, I had dreams of playing professional, travelling the world, and winning tournaments.

Sometimes, it makes me really wonder, if I missed my calling?

I gave up a lot of other sports as well.

I took up cricket again four years ago after a 20-year break, and I have never had so much much fun, being part of a team and sharing both the wins and the losses.

But sometimes I think of all the years of fun I’ve missed out on.

I’ve also spent years at work in the mining game, really not enjoying it much at all, and I wonder how much further I could have gone in the business world.

Doing what I really love and following my passions!

Now I feel the pain of regret.

The thought of what if?

Of what could have been?

There is only so many tomorrows.

But I believe that it is NEVER TOO LATE!

If there is something you really want to do, then do it now!

NOW is the only time we have!

No more regrets or what ifs!

Life’s too short!

Do it NOW!

Oh, I nearly forgot my golf story with my rant!

As I was coming up the last hole, I was one stroke behind and my mate Timmy was in the box seat.

So I thought I would use an old fashioned sledge and I said to him: “You’re gonna do a Greg Norman, choke and hit it in the snake pit”

And he hit it straight into the lake!

So now the trophy is called “The Newman Cup”

Still got it! 😉

No Regrets!

If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below.

To your success,

John W. Newman

Helping you create TIME AND FINANCIAL FREEDOM by building a PROFITABLE Business Online!

Dream It… Believe It… Then Achieve It!

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John newman

My name is John W. Newman. Property investor, Internet entrepreneur, husband and father of four beautiful daughters. Join me on my road to financial freedom! Dream It...Believe It...Then Achieve It!


  1. Great post John
    It must be nice having a trophy named after you buddy.
    Your golfing situation reminds me so much of my football times. I was a regular in some local teams mainly 5 a -side up until 3 years ago.
    I changed jobs and started doing shift work which meant I wasn’t available to attend the game nights and had to stop playing (miss it so much)
    I am definitely hoping to be able to dust off the boots again this year and start playing again when I can free up my time. The social aspect of being with your mates and part of a team is great! your so right

    • So true Damian!
      Shift work can really stop you being able to play sport, but I know these days sporting teams are quite flexible and will let you come in and out when you are available.
      I used this as an excuse to stop playing for many years and it is a big regret!
      But you can always change that right now!
      Thanks 🙂

  2. Hello and thanks for that awesome story, nothing is to late as long as we take action now. What ever we desire we should go after it. I heard of this old lady who got her degree when she was in her 70s something she always wanted and went after it. So sky is the limit. We should go after our dreams.

    • So true Norman!
      We never know how long we have except right now in this moment!
      Seize the day, I say!
      Thanks for your comment, glad you liked it 🙂

  3. Hi there,
    This is a great post and well done for posting this.
    I think we should have a system, where reminders about our journey on this earth, come in to our emails everyday.
    it should tell us that we are only passsing through, we only get one shot at this life and we should make the most of it.
    We never know when our call will come and it would look bad if we were wracked with guilt because we did’nt do this or do that.
    Thanks again for a great post
    Cheers……..Phil Browne

    • This is so true Phil, we only have one shot at it and it is too short to have regrets!

      Thanks for commenting 🙂

  4. Hey John,

    I like your story and also the way you wrote it. It must be everyone’s goal to build a life the way the want it! Thanks to online there is a great opportunity to live life on your own term and give up the 9-5 job. I am working on it and hopefully I will quit my job this year!

    Did you find great success with Wealthy Affiliate?

    Thank you!

    • Thanks Saad, you are right about the online opportunity, and I think it is something that a lot more people should be pursuing!

      To have the opportunity to follow your passions, help people and profit at the same time is enormous.

      And yes, you can have success with Wealthy Affiliate online as I have 🙂

      Thanks for your comment.

  5. Hey John, Thanks for sharing your stories. It brings me back to my previous memories when I’m good in my favorites sports-Badminton. I dream of becoming a great player and consider make it as my full-time career. But things always didn’t meet what I expected due to circumstances.

    Now after reading your articles, it makes sense that nothing is too late and perhaps I can still achieve my dream and treat it as my passion. I dun want to be regret later when I’m old.

    Thanks John for sharing this.

    • Absolutely Maxx, you don’t want to regret the things you didn’t do when you are sitting in your rocking chair.

      In fact, that’s a good test.

      When you are considering whether or not to do something, imagine yourself old and in your rocking chair.

      What would it have been like if you had done it?

      Would you regret it if you didn’t do it?

      Circumstances can certainly play a part, but most of the time they are just excuses!

      Thanks for commenting and pick up that racket 😉

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