What is Online Affiliate Marketing?

affiliate marketing process my road to financial freedom

Do you want to replace your working income without even creating a product of your own?

How is this possible?

With online affiliate marketing, not only is this possible but it is highly achievable.Screen Shot 2014-10-16 at 3.39.55 pm

So what is affiliate marketing?

Have you ever received an email from someone telling you about one of their friends latest products or course?

Or have you ever googled a product online, and came across a review about that product with a link at the end to purchase it at a special discount?

Have you ever read a blog with some great content with a link in it to purchase something?

These are just a few examples of some of the ways affiliate marketing is done online.

In a nutshell affiliate marketing is simply promoting someone else’s product, and when a sale is made you make a commission.

If you have created your own product you can also get affiliates to sell it for you and you split the profits between you!

Have you ever heard of Clickbank?

How about Amazon?

These are just two of the major companies that you can become an affiliate of and sell their products.

But there are literally hundreds if not thousands of companies you can become an affiliate of and sell their products online.

All the major players online these days are working together to cross-promote their products.

So how does this work?

The process itself is very simple.

Have a look at the image below.

affiliate marketing process my road to financial freedom

As you can see the process itself is a very simple one.

All you need is a laptop, an internet connection and your own website and you can start promoting other peoples products and earning commissions!

This opportunity is huge online at the moment!

But I don’t have my own website! How do I do this?

I am glad you asked!

While this process of earning money online is a simple one, most people don’t know about it, they don’t have a website and don’t even know where to start.

They are just setting themselves up for failure.

This is why having the right tools, training and support is so crucial for success.

Wealthy Affiliate is the #1 online affiliate marketing community today, and currently they are giving away the most comprehensive training program that I have come across that will teach you how to build a successful online affiliate marketing business.

As part of their FREE starter membership you will receive two free WordPress websites and a ten-lesson training course that will get you up and running and earning money!

You can read my full review about Wealthy Affiliate here.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to post them below.

To your success,

John W. Newman

Dream It… Believe It… Then Achieve It!

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John newman

My name is John W. Newman. Property investor, Internet entrepreneur, husband and father of four beautiful daughters. Join me on my road to financial freedom! Dream It...Believe It...Then Achieve It!


  1. Great post on affiliate marketing, John.

    Thanks for the explanation and also for the diagram to help us all to easily understand it much better.

    I’m certain many people will be excited about starting an affiliate marketing business after reading this 🙂


  2. I will always remember the first affiliate sale I made, even though it was very small it was the kick-start I needed to believe that this type of marketing actually works. If you have great training available like Wealthy Affiliate, you are well on your way – I wish I’d found them sooner!

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