Affiliate Bootcamp Review – Retire as a ClickFunnels SUPER Affiliate in 100 Days

Affiliate Bootcamp Review

NAME: Affiliate Bootcamp

WEBSITE: www.affiliatebootcamp.com

OWNER: Russell Brunson




Affiliate Bootcamp is another awesome training product from internet entrepreneur and best-selling author Russell Brunson.

Russell is the owner of the funnel building software company ClickFunnels and he has created this online training course to teach online marketers how they can retire as a ClickFunnels affiliate in 100 days, simply by promoting ClickFunnels itself.

ClickFunnels is basically a software that lets you design and creates sales pages, landing pages and it lets you manage your entire sales funnel.

This is actually version 4 of this product, with one of the previous versions selling for $497.

I even believe that Russell has even sold a version for $1000 in the past!

Version 3 was released for free in September 2016 and I went through that course and was very impressed.

This is when I first started using ClickFunnels myself, (and I actually tripled my investment) but this version, released in 2017, has taken it to the next level and beyond, offering over 100 days of training, along with bonuses and resources.





  • Comprehensive training on how to get over 4k per month recurring commissions by promoting ClickFunnels as an affiliate marketer.
  • High-quality products to promote.
  • Build a long-term affiliate marketing business from scratch.
  • Behind the scenes footage of Russell’s DotCom Secrets Ignite program that sells for $497 for free.
  • 40% commissions
  • “Sticky cookies” that tracks any future products sold so you receive extra commissions.
  • Awesome training, tools, and support.
  • Bonus funnels, scripts and more.
  • Grow your own list off affiliates and receive 5% commissions on what they sell as well.
  • And much, much more…


  • There is a LOT of training to go through.
  • A commitment of 1-2 hours a day, most days to keep up, although you can go through at your own pace.
  • Not “get rich quick” – It will take time and effort to build a successful business.
  • You are expected to invest in Facebook ADS, but there is comprehensive training so you are able to become profitable very quickly.


The goal of the Affiliate Bootcamp is simply to teach you how to give away one free ClickFunnels trial a day, which will ultimately lead to 100 paid ClickFunnels customers.

This will then give you a residual income of $4,000 per month and allow you to potentially leave your job and retire as a ClickFunnels super affiliate.

There are 100 days of training that is delivered in an online membership site in video form, as well as worksheets, swipe files, bonuses, Facebook group support, and built out funnels to help you have success.

The training is delivered by Russell Brunson, also showing you behind the scenes training footage of his DotCom Secrets Ignite program, that people paid $997 to attend.

Additional training comes from Kevin Tjia, who is the ClickFunnels Affiliate Manager, and he really puts his heart and soul into this project to help you achieve success.

This is easily a $1000 product, but Russell is giving this away for free, for what I think are 2 reasons:

  1. I think he genuinely cares – Of all the online marketing “gurus” or experts that I have come across over the last several years, Russell is the guy that resonates with me the most. He has great products and services, that he knows can change people’s lives, but he also gives an enormous amount of information away for free.
  2. The more successful ClickFunnels affiliate Russell can help you become, the more money he will make as well! – If you make money doing this, then Russell does as well!

As well as promoting ClickFunnels itself, the training will teach you how to build out backend funnels that promote Russell’s many other quality products as well.

You will learn how to create and run Facebook Ads, that are profitable or at least break-even on the front end, and then sell additional products from your backend funnels, so you can grow your affiliate marketing business faster, and scale it to any level you want.

All the while, building up your ongoing residual income as you reach your goal of 100 ClickFunnels users.

As an added incentive, if you reach 100 CF subscribers, Russell will pay $500 towards the lease of your dream car, AND double it to $1000 if you reach 200 users!

The bottom line is that all the training you need to build the foundation of a successful affiliate marketing business promoting ClickFunnels is included in the membership area.



If you have any previous experience as an affiliate or online marketer, then you will hit the ground running with this program.

ClickFunnels has excellent products and if they are promoted in the right way, such as you are being taught, then they sell like hot cakes!

Newbies will find it more difficult, just because of the steep learning curve, but if they follow the training and take their time, they can and will have success.

Although the training is designed to be completed in 100 days, you can go through it at your own pace (I know I can’t keep up).


As I said previously there is an enormous amount of training that begins by building your foundation.

You will learn the “secret formula” to find your dream customers, learn about building your own attractive character, about traffic, Facebook Ads, creating your own follow-up email sequences, building your front-end and back-end funnel and that’s just in the first week.

You will also have ClickFunnels to use so you can build out your funnels, as well as marketing scripts and more.

There are also regular webinars and Facebook Live training for additional support.

There are so many tools and training, that I simply can’t get close to covering everything, but below is a “sneak peak” at the member’s area to give you an indication.

affiliate bootcamp review


You can contact ClickFunnels support by email at any time, and they really do a great job.

There is also a Facebook group support page, where you can get great help and support from currently over 15,000 other fellow affiliate marketers.

Kevin Tjia, in particular, is a great support in the group, and he holds regular Facebook Live training to help out.

Russell himself will also pop in now and then with some helpful advice.

affiliate bootcamp review


As I mentioned earlier, this Bootcamp is absolutely FREE!

I believe that this product could easily sell for $1000 and it would still be totally worth it!


This is hands down the best and most comprehensive affiliate marketing course I have seen.

Everything that you need is included to achieve your goal of 100 subscribers and to retire as a ClickFunnels super affiliate in 100 days and win your dream car.

Even if it takes you a year to complete the course, it will be more than worth it.

ClickFunnels is an awesome product to promote, and when you learn how to place it in front of the right people (which you will learn in the Bootcamp) it really does almost sell itself!

Plus this is TOTALLY FREE!

But don’t just take my word for it, let’s have a look at some recent results and see what some my fellow “Boot campers” are saying: (The names have been hidden to protect the innocent)



Seriously, if you want to make money as a SUPER affiliate promoting ClickFunnels: CLICK HERE and join the Bootcamp for FREE!

If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below.

To your success,

John W. Newman

Financial Freedom Warrior!

Helping you create TIME AND FINANCIAL FREEDOM by building a PROFITABLE Business Online!

Dream It… Believe It… Then Achieve It!

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John newman

My name is John W. Newman. Property investor, Internet entrepreneur, husband and father of four beautiful daughters. Join me on my road to financial freedom! Dream It...Believe It...Then Achieve It!


  1. Hi John.
    A really well thought out web-site.
    I have come across CF before and was totally confused as to what exactly it was.
    Your article has cleared up many questions I had and still leaves me with a few questions.
    Is the long term principle that having sold 100 that the funnel will keep drawing that level of quality traffic?
    I certainly have 2 hours a day to devote to it but would genuinely like to retire in a couple of years and drop down to perhaps a lazy 4/5 hours a week. (I have other less profitable things I want to do.)
    I see you did a comparison chart with WA and CF.
    Are there any other major differences than the ones you highlighted?
    Sorry to pepper you with questions, I am still getting this form of marketing hammered in to my brain and I am determined to do it.
    Thanks for an interesting article which has answered many of my questions.

    • Thanks for your comment and questions HappyB.

      The goal of the training is so you can get to 100 sign ups, which depending on your circumstances, should be able for you to retire from the day job.

      Where you go from there is entirely up to you.

      You can use what you have learned to scale your business as far as you want, or you could put it in “maintenance mode” which is really the goal of creating residual income such as this, where maintaining that regular income requires very little work going forward.

      The reason I have included the comparison chart is because as an affiliate marketer myself, I promote both WA and Clickfunnels, as I believe these are the best two resources for building a business online that are out there.

      Wealthy Affiliate is more of a blogging platform that is great for “newbies” and will show you how to build out your websites and affiliate marketing business from scratch.

      Clickfunnels will help you scale that business further utilising sales funnels, but they can also help grow just about any other business online, such as network marketing, supplements, coaching, consulting and many others.

      I personally use both, and I believe they compliment each other perfectly!

  2. Sounds too good to be true and therefore it will be unwise for me not to go ahead and give ClickFunnels a try, after all, it should take me 100 days no? however, it is clear that I will get the answer much quicker than that and by no time I will be able to see if I’m on the right track.

    • I certainly hope so manor!

      I am sure if you apply the training that is given, you will do well!

      Thanks for commenting 🙂

  3. Hi John

    I am actually part of Clickfunnels affiliate Bootcamp and I know that it has gone through several upgrades.
    Although I think the Bootcamp is beneficial and provides a lot of training especially on facebook ads, Russell Brunson’s advertisement for it kind of puts me off.
    I don’t know of any newbie marketer that has retired in 100 days going through this Bootcamp.
    It’s still good training, but I wish Russell wouldn’t make claims like retiring 100 days just to attract affiliates.

    • Thanks for your insights.

      I know Russell, doesn’t resonate with everyone, we all have to find the right mentor that suits our own style.

      You are right, I don’t know of any newbies that have retired in 100 days, that is why I mentioned that it may take longer.

      Listening to people in the private Facebook group, I know that some newbies do get confused, but on the other side, many have made some decent money in a short amount of time and can see the potential.

      We all work at our own pace, and for some people it will take longer.

      Although, I do believe that if you have a reasonable background in online marketing, then it is very possible to get through the material quickly, and hit that goal of 100 subscriptions in 100 days.

      In fact, there was an update in the member area this morning that they have unlocked all the content, instead of it being drip fed, because some people want to move ahead quicker.

      Russell says that rather than being put off by his marketing, maybe you should study it, and IF it resonates, then model it.

      He goes on to say that he is amazed by people that join his list to learn about marketing… then complain about him marketing!

      Study what is PROVEN to work, and then APPLY it!

  4. As has been proven to show Brunson has provided excellent value and exceptional ability to provide concepts of profits to people. However the major concern for many is the overwhelming amount of time invested in these trainings, its like a full time job evidently. Thanks for the unbiased review and training on how to make it work

    • I agree that the amount of time it takes to complete training programs such as this, and the work it takes to do it, stops most people from doing anything.

      And then they bitch and moan and complain that their life sucks and they have no money!

      How long does it take to do a business degree?

      An example from my own life comes from my step-daughter who spent three years at University, studying and doing assignments to come out with a duel degree in marketing and entrepreneurship.

      And guess what?

      Due to the downturn in the economy, 6 months later, she can’t even get a job as a marketing or admin assistant!

      I have tried to steer her to build an online business, because I know she has the smarts to exceed far greater than anything I could do online, but she is frankly brain-washed by the establishment that she needs a “job” and of course she doesn’t want to listen to the “old man”

      Seriously, what about doing 2 hours of training and working a day for twelve months to create freedom for yourself for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE???

      What if it’s even 4 hours a day?

      I know that in this business there are times when you have to work hard and put in the ground work, but it’s not that way forever.

      The whole point is to create a business that you love, but that is set up in a way that doesn’t take up all of your time and is flexible with what you want out of life and what you want to do!

      But it does take some time and effort, especially at the beginning!

      If you think that’s as bad as a full-time job then your shit is broken!

      The goal is to NEVER have to worry about about needing a job, or what the economy, or Government does again!

      I know that if you are prepared to commit to this course and implement these strategies, you will gain your freedom.

      Sadly though, most people will never get there head around the concept that there is a better way!

      Either that, or they’re just too fucking lazy!!

  5. I am very curious about the affiliate bootcamp that you are discussing in your article. I have thought about how it could be possible to earn money from home. I work 8-5, and would only have an hour or 2 a day to contribute to a project like that. I will have to give it some serious consideration. Good Information!
    Thank you,

    • Thanks Heather.

      It can be really hard to build a business online when you are working and have family commitments etc.

      BUT… you have to consider what you really desire out of life.

      Would 2 hours of television or scrolling through Facebook benefit you in the long run?

      Or would 2 hours a night for 12 months working on a business that could set you free for the rest of your life be worth the effort?

      It all comes down to priorities and what you REALLY want!

      With a little bit of time and effort you will be surprised in what you may achieve over time! 🙂

  6. Hello, my friend, your post is well detailed with tons of great information as usual. Your knowledge in the field of business is just great. Have a question for you. I have been trying to get and answer and I am still. Do you have any insight into writing product review for amazon?
    I just need something to be confirmed, I guess I will but it forth to the community. When writing a product review should I include the review in my post or should i create a separate page and then link it to my post. Thanks again and all the best to you.

    • Hi Norman, thanks for commenting and I am glad you liked my post.
      As for your question, personally, I would just write out your reviews as a post.
      You can categorise them and add them to your menu so you can find them easy.
      That’s how I do it.
      I hope this helps 🙂

  7. John, this is a great review of ClickFunnels Affiliate Bootcamp. If people are complaining about the price, then they don’t understand what they are getting. No doubt there are competing products out there with different price points. People just need to assess the benefits. ClickFunnels has been around a few years. So it has withstood the test of time. Plus, they have had an impact on the pricing of some of their more expensive competitors.

    • Thanks Glen, ClickFunnels certainly is an excellent tool for your business, and in my opinion, a “must have”
      I know people, complain that paying $97 a month for ClickFunnels is expensive, but you have to look at it as an investment that will pay dividends.
      Plus, if you complete this Affiliate Bootcamp (which is FREE) you will have no problem covering that investment in no time at all!
      Thanks for your feedback 🙂

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